Title | Artikelen van Jacques Arends |
Main author | Arends, Jacques |
Publisher | [Not identified] : [Auteur], [19..] |
Notes | Bevat sign. JAR 00954-1 tot en met JAR 00954-61 |
Contents | Dit documement bevat 61 artikelen : 1. Complementation in the Saramaka maroon letters (1790-1818). 2. On the use of language analysis in asylum cases involving pidgin/creole speaking West Africans in the Netherlands. 3. On the use of language analysis in asylum cases involving West-Africans in the Netherlands : Krio or Pidgin. 4. An update on Transatlantic slave trade studies. 5. Rewriting Suriname creole genesis : redefining the formative periods for Saramaccan and Sranan. 6. Bespreking 30/1/86 : clefting in het Sranan (1750-1950). 7. Invisible language. A historical look at creole genesis. 8. ATW Amsterdam 13/10/89 : hand-out. 9. Inflectional morphology in the Lingua Franca noun phrase. 10. From Genoa to Guinea (and beyond) : the Mediterranean as the cradle of creolization. 11. Inflectional morphology in Lingua Franca. 12. Clio meets Creo : a historical view of creolization. 13. An update on Transatlantic slave trade studies. 14. The formative period of Saramaccan : a reevaluation of the evidence. 15. From Genoa to Guinea : new evidence for the role of Lingua Franca in the formation of the European pidgins and creoles. 16. De Middellandse Zee als bakermat van de -Europese- contacttalen. 17. Court records as a source of authentic early Sranan. 18. Lingua Franca. 19. The historical study of creoles and the future of creole studies. 20. De ontwikkeling van -clause linkage- in de creooltalen van Suriname. 21. The state of the art in historical creole linguistics : the case of the Surinam creoles. 22. De ontwikkeling van -clause linkage- in de creooltalen van Suriname. 23. The development of complementation in Saramaccan. 24. The Lingua Franca hypothesis : a review of the evidence. 25. Complexe zinnen in vroeg Saramaccaans. 26. Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van het Surinaams Creools : Lezing Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde. 27. Complexe zinnen in vroeg Saramaccaans. 28. De Lingua Franca : een verkenning. 29. Complex sentences in early Saramaccan. 30. Creolisering : op het kruispunt van taalwetenschap en slavernijgeschiedenis. 31. A grammatical sketch of Lingua Franca. 32. Sociohistorical factors in the development of complementation in Saramaccan and Sranan. 33. On the history and structure of Lingua Franca. 34. On the history and structure of Lingua Franca. 35. De Middellandse Zee als bakermat van de -Europese- contacttalen. 36. Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van het Surinaams Creools : Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde. 37. Structure and development of the Suriname creoles. 38. Demografische factoren in de formatie van de Surinaamse marron-creooltalen : nieuwe gegevens uit de archieven. 39. Demografische factoren in de formatie van de Surinaamse marron-creooltalen : nieuwe gegevens uit de archieven. 40. From Genoa to Guinea (and Guyana) : the Lingua Franca in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. 41. Lingua Franca : historische en linguistische aspecten. 42. Simple languages, simple theories. 43. Young languages, old texts : early documents in the Suriname creoles. 44. Young languages, old texts : early documents in the Suriname creoles. 45. From Genoa to Guinea (and beyond) : the Mediterranean as the cradle of creolization. 46. Examining the -pre-history- of the Suriname creoles. 47. Logophoricity in Saramaccan and Sranan (and Gbe). 48. A complement to complementation in early Sranan and Saramaccan : logophoricity. 49. The origin of the Portuguese element in the Suriname creoles. 50. The development of complementation in two Surinam creoles. 51. The development of complementation in two Surinam creoles. 52. Social stratification and network relations in the genesis of Sranan. 53. Complex sentence formation in the Saramaka maroon letters (1790-1818). 54. Demographic factors in the formation of Sranan. 55. Maroon letters from Saramaka (1781-1818) : a linguistic profile. 56. Examining early creole documents : a comparison of Herlein-s (1718) Sranan specimen and Nepveu-s (1765/1770) corrections and additions. 57. Variatie in vroeg Surinaams Creools. 58. Creoles, non-creoles, and creoles : the demographic context of creolization in Surinam. 59. The first Creole grammar : Pieter van Dyk-s Sranan manual (1740). 60. AIO-cursus creolistiek Groningen. 61. [Taalkunde collectie 22/03/85] |